Andi has expertise in motivational speaking, healthy living, entrepreneurship, corporate wellness, and more.
Clinical Consultant
Andi provides constructive criticism to various hospitals, helping them meet state requirements.
Professional Speaker
Andi motivates employees—in groups of 15 to 300—through cooking demonstrations, speaking engagement, and the establishment of goals.
Motivator for Children
Andi has 5 years of experience in speaking to kids at area schools about childhood obesity. The kids get to learn about and taste healthy foods.
Bariatric Consultant
Let Andi address your paperwork and educate you before surgery. She will work with your doctor of choice and insurance to meet your personal needs.
Bariatric Diet Planning
Andi can strategize long-term, post-op diet planning for bariatric surgery. Group classes are available for discounts.
Refresher Diet Classes
Refresher classes and healthy living plans for past clients are available. Stay up-to-date with healthy living changes. Many past clients enjoy a refresher plan for 3 weeks.
Eating Disorder Counseling
Let Andi be the nutrition piece of this complex planning puzzle. She will customize your plan and work with you and your therapist of choice.
Eat To Lose Diet Plan
Not all plans are the same; let Andi customize your plan to meet personal goals and fit your lifestyle. Andi is your personal nutrition coach for 6 weeks!
In-Body 570 Assessments
Learn your personal composition in less than 5 minutes! This machine evaluates your water-muscle-fat weight in pounds and percentages.